In the month of gratitude, we will share six short stories written by volunteers from "Ricci Social Services" and by residents living in the leprosy rehabilitation center. The theme is about growth within "Ricci Social Services," an intangible and infinite force that brings their hearts together. We invite everyone to experience the stories of growth in this RSS family!
Learning Without Knowing
Author: Volunteer from Ricci Social Services, currently serving at the Qiubei Rehabilitation Center in Yunnan.
On August 9, 1999, the president asked me if I wanted to serve people with leprosy. He told me that "Ricci Social Services" invited our group to help these patients. It was the first time I heard the name Ricci, and I agreed to the president's invitation to serve at the Dajindao Rehabilitation Center in Guangzhou. This was also my first contact with the staff of Ricci Social Services, and we received a call from Grandpa Lu Yi! It was my first encounter with the founder of the organization.
However, at that time, I still didn’t fully understand what Ricci Social Services did. It wasn’t until the days of service went by that I truly began to understand the mission of the organization. Gradually, I started to serve without much knowledge, and starting from Dajindao, I learned the true meaning of Mateo Ricci Social Services.