
Happy Mid-Autum Festiv

Limadou Social Service wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival 😊good health🍀🍀🍀

Thanks to the benefactors for sending moon cakes and fruits, um, the volunteers also made buns😊 and shared them with leprosy survivors, feeling the warm atmosphere of the festival together😋

Welcome to meet Matteo Ricci Social Services


Peeling corn leaves

Volunteers and leprosy survivors at the leprosy rehabilitation center are peeling corn husks 🌽🌽🌽Plant together 👴👴👴, and share the joy and happiness of the harvest together.


Social Service Volunteer, currently serving at Dechang Rehabilitation Hospital

I was moved

Cai San is 75 years old this year.

Perhaps because he suffered too much in his early years, in that era of scarcity, Cai Sansan was infected with leprosy when he was young. After going through hardships , embarrassment and sadness, he was transferred to a leprosy hospital and was forced to separate from his family, making his life even more miserable. He is dumb, but very smart. His instinct for survival taught him to survive in the cracks. Hunger made him afraid, and scarcity made him afraid. He became a grass carp that only took in but not out. He would not refuse anything you gave him. You gave him food, even if he didn't eat it and it would be spoiled, he would not say no. Even if his clothes were torn and could not be worn anymore, he was reluctant to throw them away. Everything was a treasure in his eyes. Don't even think about giving his things to others or giving them to others.
The sun rose from the west today!

Although he was disabled, he still tried hard to grow some corn. I found him outside the gate to feed him medicine. He actually gestured to me and asked me to break the green corn in his field. I was afraid that I might have made a mistake, so I just perfunctorily did it (gesture) and then went to weed the vegetable field. I didn't expect him to be so persistent and waited for me at the intersection. When I came back, he asked me to break the corn in his field again🌽. At that moment, I was so moved that I sincerely gestured to him to thank him and gave him a thumbs up👍, and he also smiled happily. He gestured to me that if a thief came to steal his corn, he would watch. (In fact, no one in the yard would steal his corn, and no outsiders would steal it. This is an isolated yard, but there would be pigs that would steal it).

This small change, although it took a long time, did make a difference. The change in behavior starts with the change in the heart, and the change in the heart is the melting of the ice layer in the heart. The hard protective shell of the human heart is formed in the desert without love, and it can only be pried open and melted in the warmth of love.
Twenty-four years of companionship finally exchanged for Cai Sansan's sincere "willingness to give" today. This moment of generosity is really not easy!

Like for God's love💗💖
Like for Cai Sansan💖💗

Like for our perseverance for more than 20 year.

The editor thanks the volunteers for telling everyone about the loving life and service in the rehabilitation center.