At Casa Ricci we feel our benefactors and friends are an essential part of the mission and we want them (you) to feel they (you) are part of a community in which we all have a role of service. One of the main goals of Casa Ricci is to help people be part of a community of cooperation and union, in which we all give and receive. We don’t expect just to teach others how to be community; we need to be community among ourselves and with those we directly serve. Only this way can our service be not only effective but also affective and life giving. It’s in this context that we decided to create this blog, as a tool that allows us to better give and receive, to better know each other and in this way to better be community.
In a blog people gather around a text, around a sharing, or a piece of information. We want to share with you what Casa Ricci is doing, how we feel, what we think. We want to show you, by words, images (and maybe even sounds) the people we meet, the places we visit, the things we do. But, not less important, we want to know what you think, how you feel this common mission, what ideas and suggestions you have. We want you to be part of Casa Ricci. We hope this blog helps you to know more about the people and the mission because only when we know can we love, and only when we love can we truly serve.
August 2010